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Manitoba pharmacists look to Alberta's expansion of pharmacy care clinics as example

An expanded role for pharmacists might help ease pressure on Manitoba’s health-care system, pharmacists say. It’s a model being expanded in Alberta, and sees pharmacists take a more clinical approach by offering services through pharmacy ...

Manitoba hospitals seeing surge expecting rise in respiratory illness

Pharmacies are trying to help with a spike in respiratory illnesses as intensive care units burst with patients. Pharmacists Manitoba said it is working with the province on ways for pharmacists to provide more care options to Manitobans and keep Man...

Pharmacists applaud COVID booster shot update

The organization that represents Manitoba pharmacists says it is pleased the province has updated and clarified its guidelines on COVID-19 booster eligibility post-viral infection. “We recognize that there are a number of Manitobans who are mak...

Manitoba pharmacists hope to expand on scope of services they are able to provide

Darren Murphy, the Board President of Pharmacists Manitoba, shares the benefits of being able to take on these extra duties. “By pharmacists having an extended scope and being able to provide more services to Manitobans, we can really increase ...