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CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP THE ONLINE CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP/RENEWAL FORM IS BELOW, PLEASE SCROLL PAST INFOGRAPHIC TO FILL OUT APPLICATION ONLINE TODAY! WHAT WE'VE DONE TOGETHER! ECONOMICS ADVISORY COUNCIL Released a new Strategic Plan with updated objectives for 2023-2026. SURVEYED Released new Income and Benefits Survey Results, available to view by Corporate Members. ADVOCACY Negotiated an increase for flu shots. Pharmacies now compensated $8.00 plus a $5.00 administration fee ($13.00 per shot). ADVOCACY Negotiated an increase in NIHB dispensing fee to $15.22 from previous $14.86 cap. CURRENT INITIATIVES We are proceeding to request an expansion of the scope of practice with accompanying fee for service remuneration. Our request to the Government of Manitoba will include all outstanding priorities identified in our Strategic Plan. This will include pharmacists' ability to assess and prescribe for minor ailments, self-limiting conditions and chronic disease management, as well as an upgrade to administrative technologies, and a request to expand the role of pharmacy technicians to ensure our profession may sustain the transition to more clinical services within Manitoba pharmacies. WHAT YOU GET FROM US ECONOMICS ADVISORY COUNCIL Corporate Members receive a seat on the Economics Advisory Council, which provides a forum to foster positive discussion regarding economic, practice & business-related matters. The Council works with the Board of Directors via the External Relations Committee. ADVOCACY We represent the interests of Manitoba pharmacies, negotiate with third parties on fees and reimbursement issues and ensure your interests are represented to decision makers in government. Corporate Membership supports all aspects of Pharmacists Manitoba's advocacy including development of a long-term strategy with government for the delivery and remuneration for professional pharmacy services in the province. RECOGNITION We want to recognize our Corporate Members and ensure your contribution to the organization is known and valued. We offer Corporate Members placement of your logo on the Pharmacists Manitoba website with the option to link directly to your website. COMMUNICATION Corporate Members receive a complimentary subscription to Communication, our quarterly electronic newsletter, keeping you up to date on all Pharmacists Manitoba activities as well as our member email The Weekly Script, informing members of upcoming events, education sessions and resources. DISCOUNTED AD PLACEMENT Corporate Members receive a $200 discount on advertisements placed in Career Communication, our online member email promoting job postings. MARKETING & PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RESOURCES Corporate Members have access to resources designed specifically to assist with marketing pharmacist professional services including the Minor Ailments Assessment and Prescribing Fillable Templates. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! NONE OF THIS IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT. YOUR CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP SUPPORTS OUR ABILITY TO ENSURE THE VOICE OF PHARMACY IS HEARD AND GOVERNMENT UNDERSTANDS THE VALUE THAT PHARMACIES AND PHARMACISTS CAN BRING TO HEALTHCARE TO ALLEVIATE THE STRAIN THE CURRENT SYSTEM IS UNDER.

Pharmacists Manitoba has the legal authority to negotiate on behalf of our members and is your voice in the province. Our purpose is to represent your interests when working with governments and third-party payers who provide coverage for drugs, pharmaceutical services and medical supplies. 

Corporate Membership supports all aspects of Pharmacists Manitoba’s advocacy including development of a long-term strategy with government for the delivery and remuneration for professional pharmacy services in the province.  We understand there is much work to be done. We have taken the steps and the time necessary to advance the profession in Manitoba. Resources must be secured in order to continue to advance our message and achieve our overall mission and goals. This cannot happen without stakeholder commitment.   

This is your opportunity to get involved in the process and to inform our discussions with government. Your involvement is essential to our success. The support of our Corporate and Industry partners has been and will continue to be integral to advancing our position with government officials and the public. A strong Corporate Membership ensures Pharmacists Manitoba has the necessary resources to advocate, promote, and establish pharmacy’s strong and effective voice in Manitoba.

For more information, please see our Corporate Membership Brochure.

Independent Pharmacy Partner

This category of membership is open to all Independent Pharmacies.

Corporate Pharmacy Partner

This category of membership is open to chain drugstores and all other pharmaceutical industry stakeholders.

GST Included ($47.62)

GST Included ($238.10)