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2024 Award Winners


The Ozturk Financial Pharmacy

Business Leadership Award

The Ozturk Financial Pharmacy Business Leadership Award is presented to a pharmacy owner or manager who demonstrates a commitment to the profession by supporting staff pharmacists to embrace expanded scope, providing outstanding and innovative pharmacy services to patients. 2019 is the inaugural year for The Ozturk Pharmacy Business Leadership Award.

Pola Demian

Picture of Pola Demian; he is smiling.

Click for Biography

Past Winners


The Ruban Insurance

Friend of Pharmacy Award

The Ruban Insurance Friend of Pharmacy Award is presented to a non-pharmacist, who has contributed significantly to the success of the profession of pharmacy. The recipient will have gone beyond the day-to-day expectations of their work to make an outstanding contribution to the community of pharmacy.

Heather McLellan

Picture of Heather McLellan

Click for Biography

Past Winners


The Ozturk Financial 
Patient Choice Award

The Ozturk Financial Patient Choice Award is presented to a pharmacist who has been nominated by a patient or non-pharmacist colleague(s) for their outstanding commitment to delivering quality patient care and customer service, and for their lasting impact on patient outcomes or community health and wellness.

Chris Mendoza

Picture of Chris Mendoza; in front of a brick wall.Click for Biography

Past Winners

Bowl of Hygeia Award

The Bowl of Hygeia Award is presented in recognition of the time and personal sacrifice devoted by pharmacists to the welfare of their respective community. This award was established in 1958 and awarded to a pharmacist for outstanding community service.

Alia Marcinkow

Picture of Alia MarcinkowClick for Biography

Past Winners

Award of Merit

The Award of Merit is bestowed upon an active member of Pharmacists Manitoba in recognition for active participation and promotion contributing to the benefit of Pharmacists Manitoba and the Profession of Pharmacy.

Christine Vaccaro

Picture of Christine Vaccaro; standing outside.Click for Biography

Past Winners

Pharmacist of The Year Award

The Pharmacist of the Year award is presented annually to a Manitoba licensed pharmacist who, in the opinion of their peers, has made a significant contribution to the profession during their career.

Colin Langedock

Picture of Colin Langedock wearing a blue button-up shirtClick for Biography

Past Winners

Young Leaders Awards

The Young Leader Awards celebrate the efforts of up to three young leaders starting their careers in pharmacy practice. The recipients will receive a plaque to commemorate their contributions to the pharmacy profession and complimentary conference registration in the following year. The Young Leader Awards are open to pharmacy students (interns) in their final year of study who have made a professional contribution to patient care, the pharmacy profession, or amongst their colleagues and peers at the University of Manitoba’s College of Pharmacy.

Madison Wong

Picture of Madison WongClick for Biography

Simranpreet Dhaliwal

Picture of Simranpreet taking a photo of himselfClick for Biography

Joyce Leung

Picture of Joyce LeungClick for Biography

Past Winners

Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy Past President Award

The CFP Past Presidents Award is to recognize the leadership and time commitment of the Presidents of pharmacy organizations as they step down from their term as President. As a volunteer organization, the Foundation understands and cherishes the contribution that these individuals make to their organizations and to the profession at large.

Past Winners